Hoje conhecemos…a estância de neve da Sierra Nevada.
Fomos exactamente antes da semana da Páscoa, não podíamos ter feito melhor escolha de época. Boa neve, boas condições para o ski ou snowboard, bom tempo com alguns dias um pouco mais tremidos, mas sempre com posibilidades de esquiar. Creio que o pior dia foi o primeiro em que se montou um nevoeiro que só andei numa pista verde e mesmo assim não via um palmo, de resto sempre em grande.
Today we have discovered ... the snow station of Sierra Nevada.
We went just before the Easter weekend, we could not have made a better choice. Good snow, good conditions for skiing or snowboarding, good weather with some days a bit shaky, but always with possibilities of skiing. I think the worst day was the first there was an intense fog and I only went to the green track and still I couldn't see anything, otherwise it was always great.
Website: http://sierranevada.es/
We went just before the Easter weekend, we could not have made a better choice. Good snow, good conditions for skiing or snowboarding, good weather with some days a bit shaky, but always with possibilities of skiing. I think the worst day was the first there was an intense fog and I only went to the green track and still I couldn't see anything, otherwise it was always great.

Ficámos no Grand Hotel Monachil que tem acesso directo ás pistas, pelo menos para quem já faz muito bem, eu por exemplo não arrisquei e desci sempre pelas cadeiras que davam acesso ás telecabinas.
Eu gostei do Hotel, não é própriamente o mais luxuoso mas está localizado numa zona mais calma e para quem sabe, pode perfeitamente aproveitar a vantagem de ter acesso directo ás pistas sem ter que subir ou descer cadeiras.
A comida funciona com buffet, a única coisa que nos podemos queixar (para além da falta de sabor de alguma comida) foi que ao fim de alguns dias começamos a enjoar com a falta de variedade. Mas como tem um preço atractivo não nos podemos queixar muito. Quando queríamos variar um pouco mais, fazíamos um “apréz-ski” mais reforçado e depois íamos ao buffet só para comer fruta ou uma salada.
Ainda fomos a alguns bares, um com uns portugueses que conhecíamos e que encontrámos ali, Irish Coffee que fica na Plaza da Andaluzia.
We stayed at the Grand Hotel Monachil which has direct access to the slopes, at least for those who already do well, I didn't ventured and always come down and the chairs that gave access to the chair lift.
I liked the hotel, is not exactly the most luxurious but it is located in a quieter area and for those more skilled, may take advantage of having direct access to the slopes without having to climb or descend using the chairs.
The food is in a buffet, the only thing we can complain about (apart from the lack of flavor in any food) was that after a few days began to get sick because of the lack of variety. But as it has an attractive price we can not complain too much. When we wanted to vary a bit, we did a good "apréz" sky and then went to the buffet just to eat fruit or a salad.
We went to a few bars, with some Portuguese that we knew and that we found there, Irish Coffee which is on Plaza Andalucia.
I liked the hotel, is not exactly the most luxurious but it is located in a quieter area and for those more skilled, may take advantage of having direct access to the slopes without having to climb or descend using the chairs.
The food is in a buffet, the only thing we can complain about (apart from the lack of flavor in any food) was that after a few days began to get sick because of the lack of variety. But as it has an attractive price we can not complain too much. When we wanted to vary a bit, we did a good "apréz" sky and then went to the buffet just to eat fruit or a salad.
We went to a few bars, with some Portuguese that we knew and that we found there, Irish Coffee which is on Plaza Andalucia.

Outro dia fomos ao Xnou Bar que era logo á saída do Rio (a principal pista que vai até á praça da estância, a alternativa é descer pelas cadeiras) e depois outro ao pé das telesillas que davam acesso ao nosso hotel. Conhecemos ainda o Tia Maria que foi dos que mais gostei, era mais acolhedor e o que comemos estava óptimo.
Lá em cima comemos os bocadillos e pizzas do costume, entre eles pode-se dizer que a qualidade não varia muito, mas como o foco é aproveitar o tempo de neve ao máximo, acabamos por deixar as refeições em segundo plano.
Another day we went to the Xnou Bar which was just outside of Rio (the main track that goes from que square to the resort, the alternative is to go down in the chairs) and then another at the foot of chair lifts that gave access to our hotel. Also we went to Tia Maria that was the one I liked most, it was most welcoming and what we ate there was great.
In the resort we had the same old sandwiches and pizzas, among them one can say that the quality does not vary much, but as the focus is to enjoy the snowy weather to the fullest,the meals were not a priority.
In the resort we had the same old sandwiches and pizzas, among them one can say that the quality does not vary much, but as the focus is to enjoy the snowy weather to the fullest,the meals were not a priority.

Quanto a materiais de ski e aulas, nós comprámos a viagem pela Sporski, cometi o erro de contratar com eles as botas e os skis, dirigi-me á Loja Monitor Tecno que tem o acordo com eles. Uma desgraça! Um drama! Eu diria até que fui vitima de maus tratos. Nunca mais volto a ficar presa a um serviço desta maneira porque quase saio a perder.
Para além da má educação e da forma como tratam clientes, sejam eles quais forem (nem as criancinhas ficaram imunes), o material que nos deram era de péssima qualidade. A prova é que no primeiro dia, para além de uma incrível dor nos pés porque eles não acertavam com o número (nem queriam), passei a vida no chão e pensava que era de ser azelha. Vim mais tarde a verificar numa outra loja que os skis não estavam bons e que deviam estar mais “afiados” para cortar melhor a neve. No dia seguinte voltei, não aguentava com os pés, descubro que é podólogo e que trabalha com muitos instrutores e socorristas da estância, que chega a moldar-lhes as botas aos pés. Eu que sofro tanto com isso, os de ski sabem do que falo, decidi experimentar. Após várias apalpadelas e exercicios com os pés, lá comprei umas botas que a meu ver não foram muito caras (custaram perto de 200€) e ao final de uma semana parecia que os meus pés estavam nas nuvens. O meu rendimento subiu consideravelmente. O nome da loja Iliberis e fica na rua do Hotel Mélia Sol y Neve.
As aulas na escola oficial tinham um preço exorbitante, fui a uma outra escola onde me calhou um Javi que era cinco estrelas. Aprendi mais em dois dias de aulas com ele, que uma semana de aulas de grupo, sem dúvida prefiro as particulares por mais dinheiro que nos custe, mas depois temos mais tempo e técnica.
A qualidade do equipamento é parte fundamental do bom aproveitamento da estância. Apresentei a minha reclamação á Sporski, mas não pedi devolução do dinheiro do aluguer das botas, informei apenas da pobre qualidade do serviço prestado por um parceiro deles e que devem ter atenção a este facto.
As for ski lessons and materials , we bought the trip from Sporski , I made the mistake of hiring them tthe boots and ski and Tecno Monitor Store has an agreement with them. It was a disgrace ! A drama ! I would even say I was a victim of abuse. Never again will I pre-book something like this because you get stuck with it and end up losing. Apart from the por maners in how they treat customers , whatever they are ( even little children were not immune ) , the material they gave us was of poor quality . The proof is that on the first day , in addition to an incredible pain in the feet because they do not get my foot numer right ( or wanted ) , spent most of my time on the ground and thought it was my fault. Later we checked out another ski store they checked the skis and told me that they were not good and that should be more " sharp " to better cut the snow.
The next day I came back, could not stand with your feet , podiatrist and find out what is working with many instructors and rescuers of the office , which comes to shaping their boots to toe. I suffer that much with it , the ski know of what I speak , I decided to try . After several fumbling and exercises with your feet , I bought there a pair of boots which I think were not too expensive ( cost around 200€) and the end of a week it seemed that my feet were in the clouds . My performance had gone up considerably . The store's name is Iliberis and it is on the street of the Melia Sol y Neve hotel.
Classes in the oficial school had an exorbitant price , I went to another school where we happened to meet Javi who was five star teacher. I learned more in two days of classes with him than a week of group classes , I surely prefer the private clases as much as they costs, but then we have more time and technique.The quality of the equipment is key for taking maximum advantage of the resort. I presented my complaint to Sporski , but did not ask for the money back of the rental boots, I only informed them of the poor quality of service provided by their partner and that they should be more attentive to this fact.
The next day I came back, could not stand with your feet , podiatrist and find out what is working with many instructors and rescuers of the office , which comes to shaping their boots to toe. I suffer that much with it , the ski know of what I speak , I decided to try . After several fumbling and exercises with your feet , I bought there a pair of boots which I think were not too expensive ( cost around 200€) and the end of a week it seemed that my feet were in the clouds . My performance had gone up considerably . The store's name is Iliberis and it is on the street of the Melia Sol y Neve hotel.
Classes in the oficial school had an exorbitant price , I went to another school where we happened to meet Javi who was five star teacher. I learned more in two days of classes with him than a week of group classes , I surely prefer the private clases as much as they costs, but then we have more time and technique.The quality of the equipment is key for taking maximum advantage of the resort. I presented my complaint to Sporski , but did not ask for the money back of the rental boots, I only informed them of the poor quality of service provided by their partner and that they should be more attentive to this fact.

Website: http://sierranevada.es/
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